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ESX Installation


Using ox_inventory? Check out the Ox_inventory Installation guide!

  1. Open the config.weapons.lua file located in your es_extended folder.

  2. Add the following code snippet to the weapons file:

{name = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', label = TranslateCap('weapon_stungun'), tints = Config.DefaultWeaponTints, components = {}},
-- Line below
{name = 'WEAPON_SPEEDRADAR', label = TranslateCap('weapon_speedradar'), tints = Config.DefaultWeaponTints, components = {}},
  1. Next, go to the locales folder in your es_extended directory and open the language file corresponding to your preferred language.

  2. Add the following entry to the locale file:

['weapon_vintagepistol'] = 'Vintage Pistol',
-- Line below
['weapon_speedradar'] = 'Police speed gun',

Remember to restart your server after making these changes for them to take effect.